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The root of all evil

Ok, I'll admit that maybe I acted a bit hasty, what with quitting my job and all, and maybe the reality of my situation is starting to sink in, but it still feels like the right thing to do.

The only problem is, every day the number of dollars I have to spend multiplies, while there's no longer a job there to replace what I've had to kiss goodbye. Sometimes I feel like the only person who isn't motivated by financial gains and I grow tired of it holding me back. Shit, the only reason I've ever worked at all is because everyone else is operating on a flawed system. Not only that, but they're too stupid and wrapped up in it to realize just how meaningless it all is. In truth...

I fucking hate money.

There are so many things we would love to do, but can't because it costs too much and we'd rather put food on the table. Meanwhile, the lucky few who have entirely too much piss it all away while we live vicariously through bad reality TV.

The two things I want in this life and how much they're going to cost me.

Film school
Cost: Well over 80 grand
Analysis: Everything was working according to the plan, until I found out I need a co-signer for my loan and couldn't find any takers. There's no way I can pay off 80 grand in monthly payments while going to school. I'm going to have to try again later.

The woman I love
Cost: At least 3 grand up front
Analysis: This is where I want to be right now. School can always come later. As of tomorrow, I'll have just about half the money, but since I jumped the gun on quitting my job early, I'm pretty much fucked right now.

That's all my thoughts on the topic right now, as I've got to figure out a way to make this all work. I'll leave you with this quote from Shaggy 2 Dope in his role as Sugar Bear in the cinematic classic, "Big Money Hustlas".

"Why's it always got to be about some bitch ass money?"

1 comment:

  1. hahahahahaha. I'm sorry. Stuck on that quote. hahahah.
