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The Lost Songs 6: Souls Suffice

Written: 2006
Inspiration: A buddy of mine in SC told me I write too many songs about broken hearts and needed to try something different. When I asked him what I should write instead, he suggested a piece which would show "how I see the world". This is what I came up with. When I showed it to him and asked him what he thought, his face was pale and he said I should go back to writing about relationships.

Souls Suffice

The city is on fire tonight.
I watch the flames burn down everything in sight.
As the world takes its last breath,
I wonder how we could have gone so wrong.
It’s a tough pill to swallow when your,
Will to survive stays so strong.
The planes are flying overhead,
And there’s nothing left here to bomb.
I saw my brother die here today,
He wasn’t even three years old.
I held him in my arms,
And felt his limp body grow cold.
There are people burning alive,
and I can’t escape the smell.
After the last 24 hours,
I no longer fear hell.
Guns are all around me but,
I refuse to pick one up.
A soldier’s spirit I do not have,
So I’ll just rely on luck.
With it I make it to the outskirts,
And collapse face first into the dirt.
Isn’t this what you wanted?
Isn’t this what you asked for?
Did you know you’d pay your price?
With not just blood but so much more?
So now that you’ve made this sacrifice.
I gotta know,
Will our souls suffice?
This is not,
The end of the story.
It’s not even,
A return to former glory.
It is what it is,
Sometimes that’s just the way the world works.
So god do you still love us,
Despite our violent quirks?

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