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Before I get started, have some numbers.

Number of posts: 44
Average per month: 3.66

Number of posts: 63
Average per month: 5.25

Number of posts: 49
Average per month: 4.98

Number of posts for January: 51
Number of posts for February: 22

I'm sure most of you who read this start with the front page and stop when you get sick of it. To get the full effect of the newer pieces, you must first read every other post which proceeds it. I don't think anyone has, though, which creates my biggest challenge as a writer.

I have to somehow manage to tell a seemingly endless story, while at the same time not getting so tangled in its own continuity that it turns off new readers. I think some exercises were more successful than others, but I stand by them all. But to my new readers, I promise you will see the bigger picture if you start from the beginning.

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