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I've found the person I want to devote every day of the rest of my life to loving, but as with anything that truly matters, it's been a little complicated. First off, she lives several states away. Second, we've never met face to face.

When I tell people this they question just how well we can actually know each other. This is when I point out to them how I've seen them face to face for years and they don't know me at all. But she does. We've confided things in one another which we'd never dare to tell another person. The most honest conversations I've ever had were with her via text messages at three in the morning.

I've also seen countless pictures and I've never been attracted to anyone on such a primal level before. I've been able to deduce every expression on her face by studying it through still images. It's hard to write about without coming off as creepy or obsessed. Anyway, to compensate for the lack of physical contact we send each other lots of them, but I want to talk about one in particular.

I remember when she sent it to me. She told me she loved my imagination and wanted to see what the picture would bring out of me. The thing is, though, all of the thoughts the image inspired are the types I can't share with you and still keep the family friendly nature of this blog I strive so hard to maintain.

The picture itself shows absolutely nothing, but everything I want to see is right there, just out of view. It's the hunger for what's not exposed which keeps me from looking away. The anticipation starts to build as I think of all the senses we have yet to indulge.

I cannot wait to learn her every contour using nothing but my fingertips. To feel the warmth of her breath on my neck and her body as it presses up against mine. Hundreds of sensations as her hair falls onto my face, before she brushes it away and...

She's finally able to look me in the eyes. It's this moment, the right before, I long for the most. That silent instant where we say everything we've been unable to with our primitive words in a single glance before she cuts the light. After that, time melts away as we finally try all the dirty things we've been aching to do to each other.

In the meantime, though, we can use our imaginations to come up with more.


  1. Wait you're expecting me to turn the lights off??? WHAT??

  2. Just for the sake of this piece. In reality, I hope they'd stay on.
