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A collection of some of the things I've said to you.

I consider myself to be the chronicler of our relationship. I've got quite a few of our conversations saved because they're too good not to. Since you sent me something special tonight, I thought I'd do something to show my appreciation. Now, I know you love the arrogant side of me, so here's your gift.

A collection of some of the things I've said to you.

Sometimes, I think we both resort to our defense mechanisms to keep each other at a distance. It's like we're scared if we don't, our friendship will just fall into the same patterns as our previous missteps. Maybe I'm way off, but it makes a strange sort of sense right now.

But no matter how strong my feelings for you are, yours was the one friendship I wasn't willing to lose if you weren't interested. That's how I know this is real.

You can't push me away, Ana, so stop trying.

When other people touch me, I go numb...I don't feel it. but when you would describe things, it felt more real than anything else I've ever known

I told you about "doody boots", remember?

When the storms are raging around me, you make it easier for me to keep myself tethered.

I'm different with you, because I don't allow myself to become wrecked by a misunderstanding, because I'm comfortable enough to talk to you about them.

You've always been worth the wait.

You're better than you give yourself credit for.

Was it more painful when we talked, or when we didn't?

We're gonna end up spending that first day just studying each other and not keep our hands off of one another.

I hope I never stop falling and spend the rest of my life waking up to you and realizing how lucky I am that you love me, allow me to love you and that we found each other when the odds were very much against us.

We should probably talk about what we're going to do if the school doesn't go through until September. I'm excited because I would go to be close to you, but terrified because of everything I don't have a plan for.

I could be moving there soon, but I think I need to go to bed while I can still get three hours.

Ok, that was a little uncalled for.

I get to decide who I worry about.

Now, what you gotta do, is quit the jibber jabbin, reach deep down inside and find your emotional big wheel. Then ride it down the feelings expressway.

it didn't make me feel bad at all. In finally sunk in. I love you.

Want to know something I really enjoyed during our time together? When we were at city cafe with christina and talking about the growth of our relationship. We'd each take turns telling the story. I loved that, it was such a awesome fucking moment

All my action figures are packed up, the only thing I have on display is the card you gave me.

You were always my beacon in the darkness.

I never get tired of talking about how great we are together.

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