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I'm sitting on my couch for what feels like one of the last times. Almost all of my memories from this apartment take place on this piece of furniture. While on its cushions I've had phone and email conversations which changed my life, played x-box, ate all of my meals and even slept on them more than in my bed. This is also where I've done all of my writing and recording. I'm going to be sad to see it go.

When you move as much as I have, you learn pretty quick just how little material objects mean in the grand scheme of things. I've been spending the last couple of days trying to figure out which of my possessions I have to take with me when I move to Tennessee this weekend. I can only take a car load of stuff, which means almost everything in my apartment is going to be sold, given away, or thrown out.

My essentials so far
-Laptop (It's the most valuable thing to me as it's my outlet)
-MP3 player (my therapist)
-Clothes (the law says I have to wear them and I like variety)
-One tote with all my collectibles (most are broken, but I don't care)
-Xbox 360 (it took me three years to get it back and it was a gift)
-My framed posters, paintings (I at least want something to look at)
-Boxes containing my DVDs and books (I get desperate I can get money for them later)
-Box of recording equipment

Things for sale/sold
-Couch (Though I will miss it)
-2 desks
-2 chairs
-TV Stand
-2 tables
-Microphone (not actively pursuing the selling of it; if the potential doesn't buy it, I'm keeping it)

When I get my new place it is going to be pretty devoid of items meant for comfort and distraction. I'll probably have nothing more than a pallet on the floor, but at least my personality will be openly displayed and I'll be able to write. Actually, writing is probably all I'm going to be able to do.

Click here for a bonus video!

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