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Tonight I watched the brilliant Swedish film, Let The Right One in, followed by it's soulless American rehash, Let Me In. Seeing the remake directly after the source material made me sad as a moviegoer and crestfallen as a wanna be film maker. Everyday I read the hottest movie gossip online and I've yet to see something which isn't a sequel, remake, reboot, parody, homage, rip-off, new spin on an already archaic premise or yet another license property. You know we're getting desperate when they're asking us for 11 bucks to see a goddamn Battleship flick. I see this and I get angry about not getting into film school because of finances.

In one year I've gotten around 4,600 hits on this blog and I'm thankful for every one of them. With my words I go dark places where most would ever fear to dread. Honesty is never easy to deal with. So, you can imagine my frustration when I see assclowns like The Situation selling 12,000 books and FUCKING Snooki at 9,000. Two individuals, and remember one calls himself the Situation and both of them are illiterate, have written books that other people have actually bought.

Wake the fuck up, America.

We are all getting dumber and it's nobody's fault but our own. The reason this shit is happening is because we refuse to do anything that makes us think. We won't read anything longer than a tweet. Until we show them we're ready for something new and dangerous, we're only going to get the same hackneyed things over and over again. We need a creative renaissance and it must be now.

If you are ready for something more meaningful, I want you to go to my site,, and explore it for just one hour. You can always go back to facebook afterward.


  1. I FUCKING LOVE THIS!!!!!!! The whole Jersey Shore franchise makes me want to go on a horrible rampage through anyone's house that is brain dead enough to consider this trash entertainment, much more for those who consider their words reading material!!!

  2. K I'm not done.... I cannot WAIT until you get on your way and make me an original movie to watch!! I love you people.
